Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe multiplayer mode - screenshot

Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe

Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe is a highly challenging, but easy-to-pick-up genre mashup of shooting platformer and blocks puzzler that will quickly get you hooked as you try your damndest to unlock its various offerings. Read the full review…

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Unmechanical by Talawa Games

In Unmechanical you pilot a tiny robot who has been snatched from his friends and family, and uncover the mysteries of the strange automated confines within which he is now trapped.

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Reus by Abbey Games

Reus is a handsome -looking god game from indie developer Abbey Games that is just as likely to engage a puzzler audience as it is Black and White ex-pats. Read the full review…

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Review: Bad Bots

Developed by Point 5 Projects, Bad Bots is a 2D shooter set aboard a massive retired battleship turned toxic waste hauler. The small army of robots onboard have turned against their human masters and it’s your job to fight your way through the horde. Read the full review…

Color Sheep game for iOS -lightning storm-320x480-75

Review: Color Sheep

Think you can multitask? Then try your hand at the color-mixing, button mashing madness on offer in Color Sheep from Trinket Studios.

Machines At War 3 screenshot C

Review: Machines at War 3

Employing gameplay elements similar to titles like Command and Conquer, Machines at War 3 plays like an homage to classic RTS games.

Real Estate Empire DECK - reedCard

Review: Real Estate Empire DECK

In Real Estate Empire Deck, you must buy, sell and trade properties to forge a real estate empire. Acquire all plots in a set to upgrade and charge maximum rent.

IGDA Toronto: Panel Class Warfare

As post-secondary students are in the midst of completing another year of grueling finals, the International Game Developer’s Association, Toronto […]