
Seven composers – one indie game album – First 200 Downloads Free

“We have a lot of friends in both the indie game and freelance composer scene. So one day I decided to get them all on board and finally create something special together,” says Beck Peccoz, “You don’t really have that many chances to cooperate with other composers when doing indie game music.”

He then called up his former fellow students, indie composers from all over Germany and the local munich audio scene. They were all provisioned with the Astroslugs theme song and only one request: “Please take this piece of music and make something great out of it that reflects your music style.”

The album entitled “Astroslugs & Friends – Theme and Variations” currently consists of nine tracks by seven different composers. If you’re fast, you can get the album for free from the Bit Baron’s Bandcamp Account. The first 200 downloads will be completely free of charge, afterwards there’ll be a pay-what-you want sale.


Royal Quest

Fast on the heels of announcing that they would cease further development of the King’s Bounty franchise, leading Eastern and Central European publisher 1C Company and Katauri Interactive, announced today the development of Royal Quest, the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game ever produced by 1C.


IndieCade 2010:

Imagine walking into a vinyl store that is stocked to its eyeballs with Bob Dylan and Zeppelin, approaching the counter and asking if they carry any Justin Bieber. That was me at IndieCade.

I’ve never given much thought to indie games. When I think of my favorite games of the modern day, I think of Mass Effect and…well, mostly just Mass Effect. I also found myself lamenting the idea of showing up to a gaming convention that was going to be one bizarre and boring game after the next. I mean, these are indie games! What kind of budget could these games possibly have? The poor saps that are making these games are probably a bunch of Mountain Dew-guzzling rejects who are developing clumps of animated pixels on a screen as a way of trying to flag down the hiring staff over at Blizzard because the fan fiction they wrote about their characters on World of Warcraft didn’t get them noticed.

Oh, how wrong I was.

IndieCade 2010 Coverage - Review: Fractal

A review of Fractal from developer Cipher Prime as Indie Game Reviewer covers the IndieCade 2010 independent games festival in Culver City, California.

“Slick, explosive and wickedly addictive. Fractal brings together the best parts of Hexic and Lumines, and then blows them both to itty-bitty pieces.”

Arcadian Renaissance by Hand Eye Society at Toronto's Nuit Blanche

As gigantic moving projections became the facades of buildings, and massive towers of speakers carried the soundtrack for the dancing images that graced hundreds of over-sized LED displays, there is no question that technology and art can (and often do) go hand-in-hand.  

IndieGameReviewer covers the Hand Eye Society’s Arcadian Renaissance indie game exhibit at Toronto’s all night city-wide Nuit Blanche art event. No quarters required!

Quakecon 2010 Pack

Valve’s Steam has gone live with the Quakecon 2010 Pack – a ridiculous package deal hat includes some of the best and most beloved games of all time including Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, all of the Quake games, Bethesda software’s Oblivion and Morrowind, Dooms, Hexen and more. Save over 200 bucks.

What Excited Me From E3 2010

with additional reporting by Indie Game Freak Old Friends Back From the Dead In the near future we’ll be seeing […]

pac-match party

Review: Pac-Match Party

Get Your Gobble On According to a study conducted by RescueTime research, when Google displayed a working Pac Man game […]

Indie Game: The Movie - Teaser Video

You can usually tell a trend is on the upswing when you set up your project at a site like hoping to raise a $15K and then easily besting that number. Indie Game: The Movie is a documentary that did just that.