
100 Games Factory Click Games in 10 minutes

Want to build and create video games but don’t want to look at a single line of code?  If you aren’t playing LittleBigPlanet on the PS3, then maybe The Games Factory 2 is for you.

Devil's Tuning Fork

IGF award-winning indie game Devil’s Tuning Fork, inspired by the works of master optical illusionist M.C. Escher and the sonic echolocation abilities of dolphins and whales, is a first-person exploration/puzzle game in which the player must navigate an unknown world using visual sound waves.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Announced

Bust out your plasticine, your silly straws, and whatever other childhood gadgetry you use when building-your-own fun. LittleBigPlanet 2 hits […]

Women in Interactive Entertainment

The NAB Show, the largest media conference in the world hosted by the National Association of Broadcasters and taking place in Las Vegas April 10th-16th, is upon us. Here is the blurb for one of the sessions that caught our attention, titled “She’s Got Game: Exploring the Rising Importance and Influence of Women in Interactive Entertainment”

The Rise of Indie Games

Listen to an interview with Sam Roberts (director of the Indiecade festival) and Jesse Vigil (Psychic Bunny). Topics covered include the past, present and future of indie games, how to develop an indie without any resources, how to get a game into the marketplace, new kinds of games that are emerging and the importance of this new medium.

BattleBlock Theater - A Grim Follow Up To Castle Crashers

The Behemoth, the developer behind perhaps the most popular or well-loved XBLA game of all time – the four-player dungeon hack n slasher “Castle Crashers” is starting to show what they have been planning for an encore. And what an encore it will be: watch the trailer now.

Watch the Live Action Assassin's Creed Lineage Movie Here

In case you somehow missed the memo to the global gaming community, we post here the awesome live action film for Assassin’s Creed Lineage.

This first clip is 15 minutes of Ubisoft goodness starring Romano Orzari (Punisher: War Zone) as assassin Giovanni Auditore.

Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Get A 75% Discount on Best of Indie Games Bundle Vol. 2 Only Until Nov 16th, 2009!

Direct2Drive has an amazing package including some of the best independent games we have seen over the past year. Sure some are better than others, but that’s what bundles are all about. Regardless, Crayon Physics Deluxe normally goes for 20 bucks all on its own, but you can get seven full excellent and recent indie games for a grand total of $24.95. Normally buying these titles individually would set you back a hundred bucks so you are getting 75% off until this Sunday, November 16th. After that you can only kick yourself for hesitating.

IndieCade International Independent Game Festival Day 1 – California, 2009

For better or worse, depending on your take, indie games are becoming something entirely new. Nowhere to be found the frag enthusiasts or Columbine tributaries that one used to expect from the definition of floppy disk era indies like DOOM and Duke Nukem. IGR reports from day one at Indiecade, Culver City 2009.

2009 IndieCade Indie Game Finalists are very excited to be covering the IndieCade independent games festival and conference in Culver City, California this weekend of October 1st-4th, 2009.