
King's Bounty: Crossworlds asks if you've got time to Kill

King’s Bounty: Crossworlds from Katauri Interactive and 1C Company – reviewed by Indie Game Reviewer.

“Before you buy this game, make sure you are at a point in your life where you can afford to spend dozens of hours playing a video game, because King’s Bounty is a huge {time-suck and game-play sessions can easily extend into day-long affairs as combat sessions become increasingly involved, before it finally leaves you to collapse in a heap asking yourself where the hell the day went. And for those of you who are die-hards who play Impossible mode – this write-up is not for you.”

Jisei the First Case - Screenshot

Jisei - The First Case: Someone’s Been J-Popped. Can You Discover the Killer? Gambatte!

Life is hard enough for a teenage boy without being plagued by visions of how people have died. In Jisei, you play as just such a youth, unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon a dead body in the restroom of the coffee shop you’re sitting in.

Jisei from indie developer Sakevisual is an interactive manga murder mystery game for Windows, Mac and Linux, read the indie game reviewer write up now.

Hegemony: Philip of Macedon

An indie game review for PAX 2010 Independent Showcase selection Hegemony: Philip of Macedon from Longbow Games – does this independent RTS deliver?

Eschalon: Book 2

Eschalon: Book 2 from Basilisk brings players into the war-torn world of Thaermore and presents them with a daunting task, a sprawling world and rich gameplay. Read the IGR review.

Quakecon 2010 Pack

Valve’s Steam has gone live with the Quakecon 2010 Pack – a ridiculous package deal hat includes some of the best and most beloved games of all time including Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, all of the Quake games, Bethesda software’s Oblivion and Morrowind, Dooms, Hexen and more. Save over 200 bucks.

The Whispered World

How do you voice your criticism for a game that looks this good? It may be the Whispered World would have served itself better by just staying quiet. Read the full review…


Jolly Rover - Pirates Do It Doggy-Style

Read IGR’s review of indie game Jolly Rover – a new puzzle / adventure game available for Windows, Mac and on the Steam powered engine from Brawsome Games.

Razor2: Hidden Skies on Steam

Read the Indie Game Review of Razor2: Hidden Skies now available on Steam. Are its superb graphics backed up by its gameplay?

Delve Deeper - Retro turn-based fun

Delve Deeper harkens back to a time when simple graphics and good gameplay were enough to keep us occupied. It reminds us of why side-scrolling puzzle games like Lemmings and Lost Vikings were so much fun.


Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent

An indie game review of “Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent” from Telltale Games available for Windows PC, Steam, iPod and iPad.