Review - RimWorld (Early Access)
Create an defend an intricate space colony in RimWorld. Is it one of the best games of the year? Check out our review!
Create an defend an intricate space colony in RimWorld. Is it one of the best games of the year? Check out our review!
Edge of Space has gone through quite a few changes since our Early Access preview. The basic mechanics are the same, but the overall feel is different. Read our review to find out how.
Minecraft: Story Mode got the preview treatment last weekend at PAX Prime, with Telltale Games providing new screenshots, story details and a 15-minute playable demo. Read the full article…
Mojang becomes the latest entity to join forces with Telltale Games. Get ready for Minecraft: Story Mode. Read more on this new episodic series…
Echo of the Wilds is a mysterious and unpredictable game of survival and discovery. Read our full review..
An ambitious realtime gathering and crafting sim still in early access, Life is Feudal marches onward toward becoming an MMO. Read our preview…
New Orleans voodoo by way of Tim Burton makes for a cute but sinister aesthetic in Full Mojo rampage -the addictive action rogue-like from Over The Top Games. Read our review…
An awe-inspiring list of indie game development judges will decide what entries win the 2013 Indie Speed Run game jam. Pre-registration now open (Aug. 2013)
Gnomoria is a world-building sandbox time and resource management game in development by Robotronic Games currently in alpha. Read about our early preview…
Indie Game Reviewer’s top ten indie games of 2011 with a long list of honorable mentions for best independent games of the year.
Blocks that Matter from Swing Swing Submarine, combines self-referential post-modern storyline, great platforming gameplay, and some wickedly challenging puzzles.
Indie Game Reviewer does what it does best and covers 2010’s most talked about, highly anticipated indie – Super Meat Boy from indie superstar Edmund McMillen and programmer Tommy Refenes. Does it live up to the hype?