Star Salvager Review - Block Blaster
Star Salvager from A-Game Studios is an arcade block-matching Rogue-like that offers a lot of challenge. Read more…
Star Salvager from A-Game Studios is an arcade block-matching Rogue-like that offers a lot of challenge. Read more…
Vindictive Drive 2: Maidbot Archive shows clear love for cyberpunk anime and bullet hell shooters but still needs a lot of time in the oven.
Shinorubi is a love letter to the best of the bullet hell genre that is already an impressive package, even in Early Access.
Chuhou Joutai is a charming and fun love letter to bullet hell games that opens up the genre to players new and old alike.
Join S.I.R. the angry warbot as he rages for revenge in Botlike – a robot’s rampage, a challenging shoot-’em-up. Read our Early Access preview.
Neko Navy, developed by DeathMofuMofu, is a shoot ’em up adventure featuring adorable flying kittens and bizarre, yet dangerous, enemies.
City Siege: Faction Island combines Worms with Contra. Does it succeed? Read our review!
Mysterious Space started off as an entry in the Seven Day Roguelike Challenge. It’s continued to grow more impressive. Read our full review.
From the get-go, Gryphon Knight Epic made me realize two things: 1) Fairytales don’t always have happy endings, and 2) Shoot ‘em up games stress me out. Read the full review of this new title from Cyber Rhino Studios.
Nandeyanen!? – The 1st Sûtra by Tchagata Games is a mechanically sound but painfully short shoot ’em up with an interesting art style. Read more…
Supercharged Robot VULKAISER by ASTRO PORT is a fun, stylized, side scrolling shoot ’em up game that is heavily inspired by 70s anime. Read the full review…
Crazy Steam Bros 2 is a steampunk, shoot ’em up game by Ars Creativa. It has the foundation of a good game, but unfortunately it falls short. Read our full review…