Gods from the Abyss Review – Clobbering Cultists
Gods from the Abyss is a classic arcade brawler inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, an unusual choice for the genre. Read our review.
Gods from the Abyss is a classic arcade brawler inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, an unusual choice for the genre. Read our review.
Whispering Abyss offers high weirdness – even by Lovecraftian game standards – and high jankiness. Read our full review.
Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2, sequel to the acclaimed action horror Rogue-like, is horrific, all right. Read on to find out why…
Transient is a cyber-Lovecraft horror game with plenty of interesting ideas but extremely middling execution.
Chronicle of Innsmouth: Mountains of Madness is a solid tribute to both H.P. Lovecraft and ‘90s-era adventure games. Read on…
Call of Myth is a card-battling game by way of H.P. Lovecraft. Will it drive you to madness? Read our preview of the demo to find out…
It’s Halloween, and while much of this year has seemed a cruel trick, we’ve got treats a-plenty for you: a new selection of spooky indies!
November featured a variety of games that mostly flew under the radar, from puzzles to space shooters to board games about eldritch abominations.
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones dispenses with the usual build-up and plops you into a setting where Cthulhu’s cult reigns victorious.
As has become our annual autumn tradition, IGR presents a new selection of top 10 Halloween games to help you celebrate our favorite time of year.
Song of Horror is an effectively creepy horror adventure game that relies on environment over cheap scares. Read more in our advance preview.
Fade to Silence does a lot of things, none of them perfectly. Read our complete review to find out why you should be playing it anyway.
The Cthulhu mythos as an action Roguelike? Find out if this unlikely combination works in our review of Lovecraft’s Untold Stories.
In IGR’s newest column, InfinityWaltz highlights his favorite recent underrated indie games. Read on to sate your curiosity…
Call of Cthulhu is the latest video game based on the similarly titled tabletop RPG license, itself based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Answer the call…