10 PC Games To Scratch that Gaslands Itch
We look around the PC games landscape for experiences like the beloved Gaslands post-apocalyptic smash ’em up tabletop skirmish game. Here is what we found.
We look around the PC games landscape for experiences like the beloved Gaslands post-apocalyptic smash ’em up tabletop skirmish game. Here is what we found.
Board game phenomenon Gloomhaven comes to PC in fine form, with plenty of refinements and extra content to keep you playing for hours.
Halloween is here again, and we’re ready to help you celebrate with 10 devilish delights. Read on, if you dare…
Hot on the heels of Halloween, InfinityWaltz’s picks from IndieCade 2020 tend toward the spooky. Read on for his festival favorites…
One of our favorite new board games not only delivered its first Kickstarter but has already funded its expansion! Learn more before the campaign ends
IndieCade 2019 was more subdued in terms of its pageantry, its pared-down award show, and less general corporate presence, but […]
Deck Box Dungeons from Ariah Studios is a successfully Kickstarted, expandable app-supported, tabletop dungeon crawler for 1-4 players. Read our review…
After a staggering loss at the hands of Abaddon the Despoiler, the races of man must rally. Command your fleet to victory in this RTS epic or face certain extinction.
Rival Restaurants Launches Kickstarter I’m not sure if it was the stunning illustrations, the giggling participants, or my obsession with […]
IGR team scoured the halls at Santa Monica’s College of Media and Design for the latest & best new indie games at IndieCade 2018. Here are their top picks.
Auroch Digital will release a video game version of Ogre, the classic tabletop game of post-apocalyptic tank warfare from Steve Jackson Games.
WonderCon 2017 offered mostly mainstream games and comic books, but there are a few gems of interest to IGR readers, as well. Read our report.
IndieCade Festival 2016 is fast approaching, and indie game developers just have a few weeks left to submit games for consideration. Read on for details!
Ideas came to run amok at this year’s UCLA Game Art Festival, and the results were filled with fiendish fun! Read the article to learn about some of our favorites.
Take on the full might of the Orc armies in Warhammer 40,000: Regicide. The classic game of chess gets a face lift, as well as a bunch of ranged attacks.