
Indie Game Review: Clickr

The Indie Game Reviewer crew get together for some good old PvP in Clickr, a slick and fun new tile-based puzzle game from NTREEV Soft. Read the full round-table review…


Review: Power of Defense

Review of Power of Defense from indie developer 4SDK – does this tower defense-styled game for Mac, Win and Steam merit the deployment of you strategic genius?

Review: Auralux

As Auralux from indie developer Ed McNeill has attempted to simplify how an RTS is to be played, it has also succeeded quite admirably in shedding unnecessary layers in its presentation as well. The majesty of space has been boiled down to the bare minimum of planets and little particles of light. Find out more in this review of the game

strange world castaway

Review: Strange World: Castaway

As first efforts go, Strange World: Castaway from developer Pure Indie Games, is good. It’s your standard platformer, but with some nice level design. And it’s a free download for Windows. Read on to see how the game fares overall.

Review of Mark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch

At 26 years Mark Leung, an entirely self-taught indie game designer has spawned one of the most irreverent politically charged and side-splitting full-length role playing games of all time. Read Indie Game Reviewer’s rundown of the how the full game plays…

Kindle Game Review: Triple Town by Spry Fox

You know, Kindle users probably aren’t expecting much more than some X’s and O’s or Solitaire when they lay back on their pillow – which is what makes Triple Town so much more of an acheivement; to invent a non-violent, slow refresh game that fits perfectly within the demographic and platform while bringing something fresh to the table.

Onslaught! Arena

Review: Onslaught! Arena

A review of “Onslaught! Arena” from Lost Decade Games – a fast-paced, arcade-style medieval fantasy shoot ’em up. Fans of retro classics like Archon, Smash TV, Geometry Wars and Gauntlet should feel right at home.. Does this hyper 8-bit styled fantasy shmup for web browsers bring the killer waves? Read the full indie game review.

Review of Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recetter: An Item Shop’s tale from indie developer Carpe Fulgur involves old school Zelda-style hack and slash dungeon crawling combined with a casual store-keeping game you might catch your mom playing. Sound like an unlikely combination? It is. Does it pay off? It does. I think we’ll look at the two elements individually, then tie them together

Review: Hero Core

Dan Remar’s indie game Hero Core is bare bones black and white shoot-em-up goodness with a feisty soundtrack to back up the action.

IGR’s Best Indie Games of 2010 – The Nominees

Here are IGR’s nominees for the best of 2010. If you would like to see any of these on our year end list, please feel free to mention them in the comments, or, if there is game you insist we must consider, please include them as well in your response to this post – we are always ready to be convinced.

Indie Game Review - Incognito: Episode 2

Episode two of ambitious and immersive FPS title Incognito from Magrathean games – does this second installment get noticed, or does it blend into the backdrop?

super meat boy

Review: Super Meat Boy

Indie Game Reviewer does what it does best and covers 2010’s most talked about, highly anticipated indie – Super Meat Boy from indie superstar Edmund McMillen and programmer Tommy Refenes. Does it live up to the hype?