
IOS Review: Tap Tap Bar

Santa, a Rastafarian and a Yeti walk into a bar… an indie game review of Tap Tap Bar for iOS

Review: A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda

If I had to use one word to describe the first episode of the A.R.E.S. series of games it would be slick. While it certainly pays homage to the classics that inspired it, there is a modern level of quality that you rarely see in an indie title.

Review: APOX

APOX is a strictly online multiplayer game. So much so that even the tutorials and handful of single player missions require you to log in to a server to play. Can an RTS multiplayer game that has no single player campaign work? Read the full review…

Review: Dinner Date

IGF Finalist “Dinner Date” from Stout Games is a nice proof of concept that video game design can be art, but does this game serve up the goods?

Review: Torchlight for XBOX 360

Runic Games, the makers of Diablo, have done it again. Literally. In a stroke of genius, the hit title Torchlight has come to us on Xbox Live Arcade. Read on…


Review: Back To The Future

A review of Back to the Future: The Game, lovingly crafted by indie game developer Telltale Games who you may remember from Sam and Max, Boneville or Puzzle Agent titles. BTTF features a new adventure for Marty and Doc who is voiced by Christopher Lloyd himself!


Review: Battleheart for iOS

From Mika Mobile comes Battleheart – a highly addictive, gorgeous looking game for all iOS devices featuring dozens of unique characters classes, items and enemies. Find out why our reviewer loved this game so much he drained his iPod batteries four times over…

iOS Game Review: Drag Tag Smash

Drag Tag Smash’s three simple stages to space combat make up for one the most engaging and entertaining titles to hit the App Store yet. Find out why our reviewer gave this indie iOS title top marks…

Review: CreaVures

Sporting adorable creatures, a wonderfully wonky color palette, and some decent partner-dependent puzzling, Creavures makes for a charming side-scrolling platformer now available on Steam. Does this crazy diamond shine on, or should you paint it black? Read the full indie game review…

Review: Dungeons

A review of Dungeons from indie game developer Realmforge Studios and distributed by Kalypso Media recalls Dungeon Keeper and Diablo as a theme park sim.

Review: Astroslugs

Indie game Astroslugs from developer Bit Barons is a sticky, gooey puzzler that drips and oozes charm. Available now for Windows PC and Mac. Read the full review…

Game Review: Megan And The Giant for iOS

Megan and the Giant, a game for iOS from independent game developer Studio Pepwuper promises much but delivers somewhere short of that. Read the full review…

Review: Clones

Indie Game Reviewer takes on Clones – a puzzle platformer from Tomkorp Computer Solutions and comes out with top marks. Read the full review…