botanicula - screenshot 1

Review: Botanicula

From Amanita Design, Botanicula is an incredibly engaging illustrated point and click adventure that confounds and surprises at every turn. Read the full review…

Review: Gimbal

Gimbal from indie developer 8888888 Labs is a multiplayer top-down shooter that offers buildable vehicles and features solid graphics and gameplay. Read the full review…

a virus named tom - multiplayer

Review: A Virus Named Tom

Qix Meets Bomberman in this clever plumber puzzler from indie developer Misfits Attic’s “A Virus Named Tom” – a Jeston’s-styled electro puzzler from the future with some interesting twists. Read the full review…

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Review: Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor is a creepy 2D sidescroller from indie developer Jasper Byrne that features lo-rez graphics and a brilliant soundtrack. But can you survive this frustrating maze of upset expectations? Read the full review…

Dynamite Jack game - screenshot - patrolling guards

Review: Dynamite Jack

With easy to pick up gameplay, tight controls and clean GUI, Dynamite Jack from indie developer Hassey Enterprises, Inc. proves far more engaging than one might suspect. Read the full review…


Preview: Path of Exile

An expansive preview of Path of Exile – the new action RPG hack and slash from New Zealand indie developers Grinding Gear Games


Review: Resonance

Resonance is an ambitious new futuristic Point-and-Click adventure from Wadjet Eye and XII Games. Read the full review…

Review: The One and One Story

The One and One Story is a free-to-play browser based platformer with a slight flair for melodrama. This game has an aesthetic style and narrative that is reminiscent of Braid in that it is a mildly bittersweet romance with a dark atmosphere in its excellent artwork. While a short experience, it has some noteworthy qualities.

Driftmoon RPG - inventory and HUD screenshot

Review: Driftmoon RPG alpha build

Here at IGR, we don’t usually review games that are still in Alpha. But, we were asked to give our take on an epic RPG called DriftMoon, with an assurance and confidence that we would find it to our liking. I feel that this confidence is not misplaced.

1000_Amps game Screenshot

Review: 1000 Amps

1000 Amps from dev Brandon Brizzi, is an indie 2D platformer coupled with puzzle solving and adventure gameplay based on the Flash platform. Read the full review…

da new guys - screenshot - arm wrestling

Review: Da New Guys

“Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass” involves snarky, sarcastic writing, solid adventure game mechanics, and graphics on par with classic Sierra On-Line adventure titles. Read the full review

red eclipse

Review: Red Eclipse

Red Eclipse is Quake-style fast-paced shooter that offers a nice range of play modes and modifiers. Read the review…

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English Country Tune

An innovative puzzle game, even if the difficulty seems unrelenting. Players who stick through the frustrating bits will find a complex blend of puzzle styles.

Deity Game screenshot

Review: Deity

Deity is a stealth-action game from students of the famous school Digipen built from the ground up in C++ with a custom engine. Read the full review…