Please, Don't Touch Anything: the console

Review: Please, Don't Touch Anything

Despite some vaguely satirical elements, Please, Don’t Touch Anything from developer Four Quarters, is a surprisingly abstract puzzle game.

Tormentum, faces in castle wall

Review: Tormentum: Dark Sorrow

A classic point-and-click adventure in mechanical terms, Tormentum: Dark Sorrow game stands out thanks to its intense dark fantasy artwork.

Three Fourths Home, driving through Nebraska cornfields

Review: Three Fourths Home

Less “game” than multimedia short story, Three Fourths Home is a beautiful but bleak, artful exploration of family drama.

Code 7, gameplay screen

Preview: Code 7

A new two-man studio from Cologne updates the text adventure with cinematic sound and voice acting.

Review: Belladonna

Belladonna, from Swedish indie game developer Neckbolt, is a short but moody gothic adventure for classic point-and-click fans.

Ephemerid, mayfly love story

Review: Ephemerid

Progressive rock guitar meets whimsical papercut insects in Ephemerid – a magical mayfly story from indie developer SuperChop Games.

Lisa, bicycle jump

Review: Lisa

Lisa from Dingaling studios is a successfully Kickstarted, deliberately ugly RPG-Maker offering inspired by drug abuse, professional wrestling and the apocalypse.

Chariot, riding the chariot

Review: Chariot

A gentle but challenging cooperative platform puzzler with cute characters and lush backgrounds, Chariot is fun for all ages.

The Fall, meeting a mysterious android

Review: The Fall

The Fall from Over the Moon games is a short but compelling title that borrows from classic platform adventures as well as literary science fiction.

One Way Heroics, wandering through the wilderness

Review: One Way Heroics

One Way Heroics from indie developer Smoking WOLF is a turn-based RPG roguelike and a forced scroller. Read our full review…

Never Alone, fleeing a polar bear

Review: Never Alone (Kisima Ingithchuna)

Based on Inupiaq folklore and even narrated entirely in the Inupiaq language (with subtitles in English), Never Alone (Kisima Ingithchuna) is a gorgeous and unusual approach that works in spite of a few rough edges.

Hearthlands, a bustling little town

Preview: Hearthlands

Hearthlands from Artefact Games has the potential to be quite a clever take on the classic village-builder as the developers continue to add features.

FRACT OSC, a distant ziggurat

Review: Fract OSC

Explore sound itself and unlock your own electronic music studio in Fract OSC – an atmospheric and difficult puzzle game from Phosfiend Systems.