Sky Alchemist - Potassium-Carbon screenshot

Review: Sky Alchemist

A review of Sky Alchemist – an ambitious tower-defense, assembly-line puzzler with a Steampunk theme and Rube Goldberg influences from eye3ware games. How do all the pieces come together, all told?

Dead Hungry Diner - Zompires screenshot

Dead Hungry Diner - an Indie Game Review

Review of indie game Dead Hungry Diner from Black Market Games. Good news: You’ve found a viable food source that sates a zombie’s need for brains. Bad news: Word got out, and now monsters are queuing up!

Review: Reflexio

Reflexio from Box Jellyfish Studios is best described as an interesting expansion on the platformer concept coated in a very cute aesthetic. How does it fare? Read the full review…

fez-forest screenshot

Review: Fez

Five years in development, huge expectation, multiple pre-release awards and a small legion of doubters later, Fez from Polytron Corp, spearheaded by Phil Fish finally arrived on the XBOX Live Arcade marketplace. Does it climb the pixel mountain and reach the dizzying heights?

Voxeliens screenshot 2

Review: Voxeliens

Voxeliens is a simple game with a simple premise: It’s Space Invaders in a 3D environment built of voxels by virtue of Volumes of Fun’s PolyVox engine. How does this reimagining of the great classic title fare? Read the full review…

Analogue A Hate Story - logo

Review: Analogue - A Hate Story

Analogue: A Hate Story is a complex melodrama, visual Novel, roleplaying game by independent developer and artist Christine Love. Read the comprehensive review by Tanya “Darklights” Kan…

Legend of Grimrock Screenshot

Review: Legend of Grimrock

From developers Almost Human comes Legend of Grimrock – a dungeon role-playing game strongly inspired by Dungeon Master, and Ultima Underworld. Read the review…


Review: A Valley Without Wind

A Valley Without Wind from Arcen Games (creators of AI War) is an astonishing procedurally-generated genre mashup as platformer. Read the full review…

the_dream_machine-security camera room screenshot

Review: The Dream Machine

The Dream Machine is an awe-inspiring near cinematic point and click adventure indie game. Read the full review…

Containment the Zombie Puzzler - screenshot

Review: Containment: The Zombie Puzzler

Containment: The Zombie Puzzler from Bootsnake Games is a top down puzzle game following the theme of surrounding a particular kind of tile with another type. It’s an interesting twist. Read the full review…

Caveman Craig 2 - screenshot

Review: Caveman Craig 2

In Caveman Craig 2 you will travel the prehistoric countryside on your quest to become leader of all lands. Can you train your units to be ready for the adversaries ahead?

Zytron II - screenshot 2

Review: Zytron II

Zytron II brings together retro SHMUP sensibilities and modern day revisions. Up to four friends can blast through this glowing world of airborne destruction. Read the full review…