Robot Resistors game screenshot, Cave Worms

Robot Resistors Review

Robot Resistorsis a great Rogue-like inspired by Vampire Survivors but featuring one smart core gameplay change. Read more…


Review - Boss 101

Boss 101 by Donley Time Foundation is a fun arcade style shmup game with randomized bosses that you can create yourself. Read more…

Shooting Stars! Chuck Norris Boss Fight

Review: Shooting Stars!

Shooting Stars! leans on celebrity lookalikes and memetic web culture in this bullet-hell shmup. Read the full review

Sora game screenshot, energy weapons

Sora Review - The Sky's The Limit

Sora, Japanese indie studio Orange_Juice’s sequel to Suguri, is as brutal as a bullet hell can be, adorable anime girls aside. Read our full review.

Ubermosh screenshot 1

Review: Ubermosh

Ubermosh drops you into a pit filled with enemies, and a countdown timer. How many armed thugs can you take down in 90 seconds armed only with a sword?