
Review: Fight the Dragon

Fight the Dragon is a community created hack n’ slash providing tools to create a dungeon or a campaign where your imagination is your only limit.

Crypt of the Necrodancer box art

Review: Crypt of the Necrodancer

Mixing dungeon-crawling with rhythm action, Crypt of the Necrodancer from indie developer Brace Yourself Games, is perhaps unlike anything else that has preceded it.

Prohour23 screenshot om nom nom

Review: Prophour23

Create an organism by growing various organs to keep your heart beating. Fight off waves of insects in one of the most bizarre RTS/Tower Defense games around.

Hearthlands, a bustling little town

Preview: Hearthlands

Hearthlands from Artefact Games has the potential to be quite a clever take on the classic village-builder as the developers continue to add features.


Review: BOMB from La Moustache Studio

BOMB is La Moustache Studio’s attempt at something new in the flight simulation genre – an action arcade game with mission objectives and more. Our review..

Review: DeadCore

DeadCore is a high-precision, high-speed first-person perspective endless speed runner. Our lifelong gamer had a little trouble keeping up. Read the full review…

tri screenshot - up a wall

Review: TRI

Unlock the awesome power of the TRI. This mind-bending first person puzzler will have you spawning the triangular objects everywhere. Read our full review.

Neverending Nightmares, murderous baby

Review: Neverending NIghtmares

An exploration of obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression, this psychological horror game isn’t “fun,” but it makes up for it by being immersive and thought-provoking.

Review: Devil's Dare

When a local cosplay event is overrun with zombies, it’s up to four friends to fight back. Devil’s Dare has great nostalgic beat-em-up action and adds permadeath.

Orborun game screenshot, green level

Review: Orborun

Orborun, from Tiny Lab Productions, is an endless runner wherein you morph between a fast-moving ball and a robot through a wide variety of levels. Read More…


Review: Fist Puncher

Fist Puncher from Team2Bit and Adult Swim Games takes the venerable beat ‘ em up genre for a while ride. Read our review…

Gods Will Be Watching - laboratory screenshot

Review: Gods Will Be Watching

Gods Will Be Watching is about a group trying to wipe out 4 billion souls to end galactic slavery. Does its heady premise add up? Read our review…