
Review - NAIRI: Tower of Shirin

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin is a point-and-click adventure in the classic mold with visuals inspired by Studio Ghibli. Read our review.

fury unleashed

Review - Fury Unleashed

Using a comic book aesthetic, Fury Unleashed offers fast-paced action with perma-death and randomly generated levels for an engaging combination.

Preview - Outpost Zero

Outpost Zero aims to set itself apart in a genre that is heavily saturated, so is it an unmissable evolution or just another survival game?

Review - Omensight

Omensight is at once a murder mystery, a time travel adventure, and a story about the end of the world. Read our full review.

Review - 39 Days to Mars

Primarily geared as a cooperative game, 39 Days to Mars is a point-and-click steampunk space adventure that tasks its players with overcoming a string of puzzles. Read our full review…

Review - Inner Space

InnerSpace lets players explore inverted spherical worlds, but are its flight mechanics enough to keep you intrigued, or will this game just leave you blowin’ in the wind? Read on…

Review - Apocalipsis: Harry at the End of the World

Apocalipsis: Harry at the End of the World is a short but sweet point-and-click adventure inspired visually and thematically be the early Renaissance in general and Dante Alighieri in particular. Is this journey into hell worth taking? Read our review.

Review - Abo Khashem

Abo Khashem is a charming – if occasionally flawed – collection of varieties crammed inside a single bizarre adventure game. Read our complete review.