mark of the ninja rainy city screenshot

Review: Mark of the Ninja

Rather than draw on corny Ninja tropes, Klei Entertainment’s latest platformer Mark of the Ninja relies on real Japanese history and earned experience in game design. Review…

Review: Intrusion 2

Intrusion 2 drops you into a world ravaged by high-tech weaponry and mechanized tyrants. Strap on your favorite guns, and bring the thunder (and a can opener).


Review: Endless Space

Endless Space is a 4X game about space. I hope no one actually needed that spelled out. If you’ve played Civilization, you know the basic routine: research technologies, build cities (or colonize planets), raise armies, squish your neighbors — or at least convince them to let you treat them like doormats. But what does that endless space contain and is it worth exploring? Read the full review…


Review: Lexatron

New York based indie developer Brian Hammond, working under the name Fictorial attempts to blast a pathway through the Words With Friends audience and invigorate the faded word-game genre…

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Review: Dustforce

In a year stuffed to the rafters with strong indie platformers, Dustforce from indie developers Hitbox Team was an early standout. But now that the dust has settled, how does it hold up? Read the full review…

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Review: Botanicula

From Amanita Design, Botanicula is an incredibly engaging illustrated point and click adventure that confounds and surprises at every turn. Read the full review…

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VIDEO: Interview with Adam Spragg - IndieCade 2012

A video interview with indie game developer Adam Spragg about his IndieCade 2012 finalist “Hidden in Plain Sight” available now on the XBOX Live Indie Game Marketplace. Watch the full interview shot at IndieCade in Culver City now…


Review: Blue Libra 2

Blue Libra II is the follow up to the space-combat title from indie developer Orator Games available for PC, iOS, Linux and Mac. Read the full review…


Review: Shad'O

French indie game development company Okugi Studio brings us Shad’O – a new take on the crowded Tower Defense genre with some alluring visuals and attempts to push the tradition into new territory. Does it achieve the dream, or succumb to the shadows? Read the full review…


Review: Torchlight II

From indie game developers Runic Games comes the highly anticipated sequel to their award winning dungeon crawler Torchlight. With more content, multiplayer and randomly generated outdoor levels, how does it fare?

FTL Doomed

Review: FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL: Faster Than Light is a sort of roguelike space sim successfully Kickstarted by indie developers Subset Games that has taken the indie gaming community by storm. Read the full review…


Review: Gemini Wars

Built in Unity, Gemini Wars from indie developers Iceberg Interactive is a space-themed RTS. Read the full review…


NEWS: Jet Set Radio Hits Steam intact!

SEGA classic action/graffiti title and cel-shading pioneer “Jet Set Radio” seemingly lost in the annals of gaming history has returned in HD for Steam, Windows, PSN and XBLA! Featuring killer music and gameplay.


VIDEO: Runner 2

In this interview with Gaijin Games designer Danny Johnson, IGR learns about the latest iteration of indie game icon Commander Video as the developers decide to forego the traditional “8-bit” pixel art for a lush 3D for 2D parallax styled version of the sprinter.