
The Top 10 Best Indie Games of 2013

A year in the making , ten writers in five countries, and thousands of games later, presents The Top 10 Indie Games of 2013 (and runners-up)

You Don't Know Jack screenshot - Who's The Dummy


The classic trivia party game is back! Jackbox updates its hilarious buzz-in trivia game with new content while making use of the latest tech so anyone can join in.

The Stanley Parable - office screenshot

Review: The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable: What We Think I was first exposed to David Wreden‘s “The Stanley Parable” – when it was […]

Potatoman Screenshot 1

Review: Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Potatoman Seeks the Troof from Pixeljam is a psychedelic platformer single-button mashing romp through a world drawn from Intellivision-era games. The troof is out there…Read the full review


Review: Contrast

Switch between the 3-dimensional world and the shadow realm in Contrast, a puzzle game by Compulsion Games. Enjoy the show! Just don’t sit too close to the stage.

Talisman Digital Edition - combat screenshot

Review: Talisman Digital Edition

Talisman Digital Edition looks to capture the magic of the original table top game. Only true heroes will cross the Valley of Fire to obtain the Crown.

Chainsaw Warrior for iOS roll of the dice screenshot

Review: Chainsaw Warrior

Auroch Digital presents Chainsaw Warrior. The digital version of the 80’s tabletop solo adventure stays true to the original. Is that necessarily a good thing?

Brothers - A Take of Two Sons game - screenshot 2

Review: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Brothers – A Tale of Two Brothers from indie game developer Starbreeze Studios and Swedish filmmaker Josef Fares presents a unique game mechanic as you journey through an eye-popping fantasy world. Read the full review…

Strata game screenshot jpg

Review: Strata

Strata, from indie developers Graveck games is an origami-inspired abstract puzzler that showcases the effectiveness of clean, minimalist design that begins simply but rapidly scales in difficulty. Read the full review…

140 game screenshot 2

Review: 140

140 from indie game developer Carlsen Games – headed by Limbo / Playdead developer Jeppe Carlsen is a rhythm-based puzzle platformer with polygon primitives that leads to terrific engagement. Read the full review…

Super Amazing Wagon Adventure buffalo hunt screenshot

Review: Super Amazing Wagon Adventure

From indie developers sparsevector comes an Atari 2600 shoot ’em up based on Oregon Trail, with randomly generated story progression. It’s a wild romp. Read the full review…