Party Hard game screenshot, Casino Party

Review - Party Hard

They won’t turn down the music. So turn out their lights. Become the Party Hard Killer, and stealthily kill everyone who wouldn’t be quiet.

Hyper Light Drifter game screenshot, Final Boss

Review: Hyper Light Drifter

Hyper Light Drifter combines Link to The Past and Super Meat Boy to produce a surreal, punishing experience. Read the review.

Freedom Planet screenshot - Miniboss

Review: Freedom Planet

Freedom Planet by GalaxyTrail is a fantastic 2D platformer inspired by Sonic The Hedgehog. And it’s one of the best platformers in years. Read more…


Review: Dr. Green

Take to the trees with Dr. Green! This retro-themed platformer pits the titular character against the scourge of industrialization. Read our full review…


Review: Pixel Garden

Pixel Garden from Oooweeooo Inc. nails down the essence of what makes a great puzzle game. It’s hard to put down and a lot of fun! Read more…

Spac Pirates and Zombies screenshot

Review: Space Pirates and Zombies (SPAZ)

While scouring distant corners of the galaxy, an unspeakable evil is uncovered. Collect resources and build fleets of ships, lest humanity end up devoured in Space Pirates and Zombies (aka SPAZ) from MinMax games.