Pay what you want for six awesome rhythm games and support charity!
Sporting a new sale every week, this week’s edition features six excellent toe-tapping, brain crunching challengers that as of this writing include:
The little XBOX 360 indie game that could, Sequence – an intriguing mash-up of rhythm puzzler and RPG – is really in a class of its own. Check this title out to see why its peculiar co-mingling of genres endures…
The game that made CommanderVideo an iconic indie hero and put Gaijin Games on the map! This rhythmic endless runner is an indie classic waiting for your command of the groove to show ’em what you got.
A side-scrolling shoot ’em up stuck on Rewind and timed to the rhythm, Retro/Grade is a daring side-scrolling space shooter that has you de-shooting enemies in a reverse sequence to what may have transpired. To the beat. Let’s do the time-warp again…

Read our full review of Retro/Grade
The procedurally-generated rail shooter that builds levels based on the music you choose, including anything in your own music library. Hours of zoned-out trippy fun to be had while rediscovering your music catalog in a whole new way.

Beat Hazard Ultra
Beat Hazard Ultra comprises the original game and DLC which adds game modes, enemies and new bosses. Instead of a rail shooter, Beat Hazard feels more like an Asteroid-inspired shmup.

Much like Audiosurf and Beat Hazard, Symphony uses a music analysis engine to transform your tracks into yet another fascinating shooter. In this case, the premise is that “a mysterious force is infesting your music files and attempting to corrupt your song library, but you’ve got an impressive array of weapons to defeat their attacks.” Symphony’s glowing black-lit graphical treatment led it to win the Indie Game Challenge’s “Technical Achievement Award” in 2012.

At IGR, we are all for supporting indie games that improve your dexterity and rekindle your love of music. The latest Humble Weekly sale is a perfect collection for all of the above.