
The Legend of Gwen Review - A Witch's Brew of Frustration

The Legend of Gwen is a 3D platform game about a little witch. Is it a spell for success or a frustrating hex? Read our full review.” is a 3D platform game about a little witch. Is it a spell for success or a frustrating hex? Read our full review.


OMNO Review - One Man Journey

OMNO is a mystically-flavored adventure borrowing inspiration from games like Journey. Is it worth the trip? Read our review to find out…

Lake Meredith crossing the street screenshot

A Review of Lake by Gamious - Sink or Swim?

Lake is an adventure game set in picturesque Providence Oaks, Oregon where you take leave of your tech job to help your dad with his mail delivery service, meeting a wide variety of interesting characters along the way. Read IGR’s review of this “beautiful experience” from indie game developer Gamious…

Pumpkin Jack game screenshot

Top 10 Halloween Games for 2020

It’s Halloween, and while much of this year has seemed a cruel trick, we’ve got treats a-plenty for you: a new selection of spooky indies!

Voodoo Vince game screenshot, close-up of Vince

Review - Voodoo Vince: Remastered

Voodoo Vince: Remastered brings a 13-year-old Xbox game to current platforms. Is it dejah voodoo all over again? Read our complete review.


The Top 10 Best Indie Games of 2013

A year in the making , ten writers in five countries, and thousands of games later, presents The Top 10 Indie Games of 2013 (and runners-up)