
Neutral Room Escape – Indie Game Review – “Vision”

If you enjoy challenging puzzles, you should try “Vision” from Neutral. In this free, Myst-style Flash game, you are asked to escape from a mysterious room. You will need to solve a number of puzzles, including finding and using objects and figuring out mini-puzzles within the room to open boxes, compartments, etc.

Dungeon Escape – Indie Game Review – Dragon’s Lair Revisited As A Stick Figure

Dungeon Escape is a hilarious and creative title exists as a Flash screen in your browser window that prompts you to click on hot spots with razor sharp timing or you meet one of many hilarious, er, um tragic deaths. The creator admits this title was inspired by Dragon’s Lair, Space Ace and even something called Super Don Quixote (would love to see that title!)

Create Your Own RPG For XBOX Live Indie Games

I find there is a serious lack of RPG content on Xbox 360 Indie Game marketplace so I did a search and lo and behold there is a recently uploaded starter kit for an RPG! Learn how to create your own.

Review: Caster

For a mere five bucks you can partake of this beautiful 3D shooter with heart-pounding music and additional episodes when you need to go deeper into the world of Caster from indie developer Elecorn.

The Computer gaming revolution is here to stay

The video gaming industry is probably the largest and most profitable of all the entertainment industries in the world. However what is most unique about video games is that it is not just an American phenomenon. The games appeal to kids and young adults as well as fully grown people across all cultures. Video games are popular in the United States and Canada and Japan. Wherever there is a somewhat industrialized and technological society you will see video games in abundance.

After Years of Development in Stealth Mode, OnLive Arrives

Onlive: Essentially you will be able to play any game anywhere, anytime over a broadband connection without any downloads. Similarly, you can play demos for any of these games to check ’em out before committing to the full game.

Metal Slug 3 Conspicuously Absent from XBLA 2008 Award Nominees

Released January 2nd 2008, Metal Slug 3 from Japanese developer SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION, with its fast-paced, multi-path action and gorgeous post 8-bit graphics brings both outstanding and consistently fresh gameplay and legitimately humor entertainment to the XBOX 360 Live Arcade and yet it is conspicuously absent from Microsoft’s own year-end gamers’ polls. Maybe it is somehow considered a 2007 release, or a an original Xbox re-release, but technically it is a 2008 XBLA release and should have figured in this year’s awards. Plus playing as a blood-spewing zombie rules.

VIDEO: A Wicked XBOX 360 Ad – Bann’d

For whatever reason this great ad for Xbox 360 never aired. Maybe it’s because society doesn’t mass John Woo styled flash mobs invading airport terminals. Whatever, it rocks. Jump in.