
Review - Sundered

What makes Sundered so unique in a sea of Roguelikes? Read our review to find out.

Cryptark game screenshot, EMP

Review - Cryptark

Cryptark is a brilliantly strategic action game wrapped in the painstakingly beautiful graphics that have become an Alientrap hallmark. Read our full review.

Axiom Verge screenshot - Boss

Review: Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge by Thomas Happ LLC is a great example of how to do a Metroidvania right. Its inspirations are clear, but it does enough to stand out. Read more…

Humanity Asset screenshot - wood place

Review: Humanity Asset

Humanity Asset from indie game developers Browny Application is a 2D platformer that’s inspired by Mega Man and Metroid with a more modern 3D graphical treatment and an emphasis on combat above everything else. Read the full review…

Review: Hero Core

Dan Remar’s indie game Hero Core is bare bones black and white shoot-em-up goodness with a feisty soundtrack to back up the action.