Doing Things by the Book
Independent by Design is a new book covering the indie game scene. Currently seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign, the book will feature profiles of a number of development studios. The book, as planned, will be a luxury hardcover featuring over 240 pages of content, including hundreds of full-color images and printed on high quality paper.

They’re in the Book
Each chapter will feature a profile of a different developer, and the authors have already confirmed an impressive list of studios and developers, including Introversion (Darwinia, Defcon and Prison Architect, among others), TheChineseRoom (Dear Esther and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture), 11 bit studios (This War of Mine and the Anomaly series), Dennaton (the Hotline Miami games), Croteam (The Talos Principle and Serious Sam), Frictional Games (Penumbra and Amnesia), Subset Games (FTL: Faster than Light), Studio Vlambeer (Ridiculous Fishing and Super Crate Box, among others), Deconstructeam (Ages of Irving and Gods Will Be Watching), Messhof (Nidhogg and Flywrench), Cellar Door Games (Rogue Legacy), Roll7 (Not a Hero and OlliOlli), Failbetter Games (Fallen London and Sunless Sea) and Acid Wizard Studio (upcoming survival horror game Darkwood).

Independent by Design will also feature several chapters devoted to individual developers, including Indie Game Jam co-founder and Spy Party developer Chris Hecker, Gunpoint and Heat Signature creator Tom Francis, and Papers, Please developer Lucas Pope. The authors are currently in talks with several additional studios and developers, with further announcements expected.
They Practically Wrote the Book on the Subject
The book is being put together by Stace Harman and John Robertson, two freelance writers with extensive experience covering the video game industry. Both authors have written articles for IGN, Kotaku and Gamespot, among others. Leicester, UK design agency Rock Kitchen Harris will be taking care of the book’s graphic design and layout.

Your Name in the Book
All contributors to the Kickstarter campaign will receive a hardcover copy of the “Core Edition” of Independent by Design (the minimum contribution is 25 pounds UK, or approximately $39) and their names in the credits. Additional rewards include signed copies and a special “Transcript Edition,” which features a separate book containing complete transcripts of all the interviews used to create the developer profiles.
The Kickstarter runs until Monday, June 8, so there is still plenty of time to join as a backer.
Independent by Design – Kickstarter page
Watch the trailer for Independent by Design below: