Created by Daniel Remar creator of Iji, Hero Core and Garden Gnome Carnage and Erik Sjöstrand (who wrote the song for the game), Man Enough addresses the attention deficit generation with a multitasking indie monster of a game that plays as much like a freaky Devo video as it does a simultaneous four-way multi-genre 8-bit crack pipe. Created in concert with the No More Sweden gathering – essentially an internationally sourced group of independent game developers who have met up every year since 2008 somewhere in Sweden, Man Enough features a chincy Swedish accent tinged electro pop song that plays along while the player negotiates a Space Invaders style shooter, a horsie themed platformer, a Donkey Kong tribute and a point and click style dating game.
It takes a moment to realize that the left and right arrow and Space bar are affecting all four games at once. After you have picked your brain up off the mousepad, attempting to coordinate action between all four screens invokes the sudden “holy shit how am I going to do this” response.
Per his website, Remar likes to build games with Gamemaker 8 and thus can not and will not port his games to XNA, PSN or other gaming consoles, nor will he ever sell them commercially. For now, he seems content to mess with possibilities, breaking down the very expectation one can have for GUI (in Man Enough, gameplay is frequently interrupted by the pop song’s tag line “Are You Man Enough” with a full screen challenge from an 8-bit portrait of what looks like Burt Reynolds in his prime).
Check out Dan Remar and Erik Sjöstrand’s “Man Enough” now:
Direct download for Man Enough (19.2MB)