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- Send non-DRM download link or 2 redemption codes
- Include trailer link and brief game description
- We review full games, not demos or alphas
- All genres welcome; no crowdfunding campaigns
- Submission doesn’t guarantee coverage
NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: If anyone ever asks you for money to review your game on behalf of IGR, they do not actually write for us. We do not accept money for, nor do we publish “sponsored content.” If we approach you to review your title, the email must come from the domain. All other requests are not made by us. Devs – be wary of impostors!
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- Send two writing samples to
- List links to prior published work
- Disclose affiliations with game review sites or industry companies
- All materials checked for 95% original content on
Full disclosure: IGR, may, from time to time solicit and receive complimentary review copies. However, these are done as a double-blind, and reviewers are not advised whence copies are obtained nor of any pre-existing relationship with distributors or publishers.