Zasa game screenshot 5

Zasa: An AI Story

Zasa: An AI Story blends a storyline inspired by contemporary computer science with a clever new take on a classic puzzle style. Connect the dots by reading our full review…

Sheltered game screenshot, repairs

Review: Sheltered

Sheltered is a bleak but brilliantly executed approach to survival and base management games. Parse out your water rations and read the full review.

dwarves gameplay

We Are The Dwarves - An Indie Game Review

The Dwarves must seek new a new star in the vast reaches of The Endless Stone. Failure will mean the extinction of the race. Read our full review of this tactical adventure game.

Shardlight game screenshot, junkyard

Review: Shardlight from Wadjet Eye Games

Shardlight, the latest classic point-and-click adventure from Wadjet Eye, is as brilliant as you’d expect. Strap on your gas mask and read our full review.

brushwood level

Review: Brushwood Buddies

Brushwood Buddies combines cute critters and various crafting techniques in an uncommon, yet quite appealing, puzzle experience.

The Dwarf Run

The Dwarf Run – despite its title – is no endless runner, but a throwback to classic turn-based RPGs, with humor and some creative puzzles to boot. Read the full review.

Gamekicker featured image

Gamekicker Launches March 1st

Gamekicker is a new crowdfunding platform launching March 1st. The twist? It focuses exclusively on indie video games! Read more…

PulseCharge - An Indie Game Review

PulseCharge is an old school platformer with just enough soft edges to keep newcomers to the genre from getting frustrated. Do you have the “heart” to face its challenges? Read on…

Kwaan Tree

Kwaan - An Indie Game Review

Kwaan, developed by Ankama, presents a unique pixel editor and an entrancing atmosphere populated with tiny creatures of nature. Read our full review.

Pony Island screenshot Firin' Mah Lazers

Pony Island - An Indie Game Review

In Pony Island, what starts as a charming retro action game about frolicking ponies quickly becomes a nightmarish escape from the clutches of the devil. Read our full review.

corgi warlock screenshot golem

Corgi Warlock: An Indie Game Review

Wage a magic war with the Corgi Warlock. Join up to three friends on a quest to smack down the Skeleton Bunny King’s evil army. Read our full review.

Suits game screenshot, combat scene

Review - Suits: A Business RPG

Suits: A Business RPG looks like a satire of corporate capitalism, but it’s really more of a collection of random, office-related jokes in JRPG format. Fix that tie and read our review.