Leading Ladies 2 Bundle
Humble Bundle’s current weekly deal features seven indie offerings, with proceeds going to Girls Make Games. Read on for more details…
Humble Bundle’s current weekly deal features seven indie offerings, with proceeds going to Girls Make Games. Read on for more details…
Feast your eyes on Eye Candy 2 – the latest Humble Weekly Bundle. These indie games are easy on the eyes, and the low price might make you do a double take.
The latest Humble Bundle packs games that appear on your PC and Android devices. Take them home, or bring them with you on the go. Game without barriers!
At IGR, we are all for supporting indie games that improve your dexterity and rekindles your love of music. The latest Humble weekly sale is a perfect collection for all of the above.
Humble Weekly has crafted a bundle that exemplifies the artistry encouraged and supported at IndieCade. Pay what you will for these 6 avant garde indie titles.
If you’ve been craving a slew of Roguelikes, look no further than the latest Humble Weekly Sale. Not sure if you’re ready for permadeath? Read our reviews of the games.
The Humble Puppy Bundle packs 4 fantastic games from Puppy Games. Get the games, and the soundtracks, and if more than $150K is raises, get the Puppy Games source code!
The Humble Bundle presents The Humble Store. Celebrate with the Humble Debut Sale. Get deals on several individual games every day, with 10% of proceeds going to charity.
The successful Humble Bundle initiative introduces a weekly deal where a new game will be showcased with bonuses. Purchases contribute to charities.