Moontrain Review - To the Stars
Moontrain is a mysterious melange of mini-games, mouse-men, and more. Put on your conductor’s hat, hop aboard, and read our full review.
Moontrain is a mysterious melange of mini-games, mouse-men, and more. Put on your conductor’s hat, hop aboard, and read our full review.
Loot River combines unforgiving melee combat with…sliding blocks?! It shouldn’t work, but does it? Read on…
Transient is a cyber-Lovecraft horror game with plenty of interesting ideas but extremely middling execution.
No Longer Home is a narrative about saying goodbye. Is its fly-on-the-wall perspective worth unpacking? Read on…
Mango is a surrealist adventure that offers compelling weirdness but ultimately overstays its welcome well before it ends.
Dreamscaper combines Rogue-like challenge with social mechanics to create one of the most accessible and outright fun genre entries yet.
Pupperazzi is a game about taking pictures of dogs! What could be cuter?! But is there meat on this bone? Find out in our review.
InfinityWaltz’s latest collection of hidden Steam gems follows up last month’s offerings with more monochromatic mayhem. Read on…
Headland offers pleasant adventure gameplay unfortunately marred by poor performance and frustrating combat design.
Lake is an adventure game set in picturesque Providence Oaks, Oregon where you take leave of your tech job to help your dad with his mail delivery service, meeting a wide variety of interesting characters along the way. Read IGR’s review of this “beautiful experience” from indie game developer Gamious…
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space is a remastered version of Telltale’s second season of episodic Sam & Max games, lovingly updated by a small team of the original developers. Check out IGR’s review!
With simple graphics come conceptual complexity. Unravel some monochromatic mysteries in our latest collection of hidden Steam games.
Discover some great new games with our latest collection of hidden Steam gems, featuring big pixel art and bigger universes to explore.
Halloween is here again, and we’re ready to help you celebrate with 10 devilish delights. Read on, if you dare…
A Juggler’s Tale is a short but sweet adventure platformer with a compelling narrative and tons of style to spare.