
Floops Big House Adventure Review – Get Good and Gross

Floops game screenshot, Boss
Floops Big House Adventure Review – Get Good and Gross

Platforms: Android, Windows PC, Steam

Game Name: Floops Big House Adventure

Publisher: Buttery Games

Developer: Buttery Games

Genre: Action, Adventure

Release Date: August 21st, 2024

Floops Big House Adventure by Buttery Games

The core gameplay of Floops Big House Adventure is simple: you can move in any direction, but you’re only able to shoot left or right.


This makes character positioning a big focus. Making sure you calculate to draw enemies out within striking distance is key, which makes things feel limiting and often claustrophobic. It creates a sense of isolation, particularly because of the game’s odd setting.

Floops game screenshot, Messy Room

Floops Big House Adventure takes place in a house, as the title suggests, with areas made up of different rooms filled with fun little details scattered around the floor, like random rotten food, nostalgic toys, and even a cat licking itself. But the aforementioned sense of isolation drives home the fact that you’re stuck in this house.

The goal is to survive long enough to defeat The Monster Overlord, but first, you must kill each area’s boss – all of them crude and grotesque – not to mention plenty of other eccentrically designed enemies, from fish creatures to weird alien species. Fights are fun and not too difficult, making for a challenge that stays consistent throughout, and enemies drop random weapons and items.

Get Good

The gameplay loop relies a lot on player skill. During each run, I’d find the same weapon and many of the same item drops. This makes the game feel a little too repetitive, but since the weapons and items are similar within each run, it just means that you have to keep getting better. You can’t rely on Floops Big House Adventure to give you the best random drops like in other Rogue-likes.

Floops game screenshot, Shoot Gif

It’s a nice refreshing change of pace. I like the simple nature of this game’s core design. It honestly feels good not to have to grind to get permanent upgrades; this game doesn’t have any! You don’t have to worry about constantly failing runs because the random item drops aren’t good enough. It does make for a repetitious experience, as the game lacks the depth we’ve come to expect from the genre.

Floops and Goop

Visually, Floops Big House Adventure leans on crude and grotesque, so expect some gross creatures. There’s even a vomiting boss. I got a lot of enjoyment from this game’s visuals because I didn’t know what enemies I was going to encounter next.

My favorite is an enemy that looks like a blue vampire; when you shoot him enough, he grows into a large devil-looking thing with sharp teeth. It’s equally cool and creepy. The surprise of seeing all these weird little enemies is enjoyable.

Floops game screenshot, Shop

The Verdict:

Floops Big House Adventure is a simple but fun Rogue-like. Its heavy focus on player skill – and practically no grind – is a nice change of pace for the genre.

And although its simplicity adds to its repetition, I still had fun with the core elements of this title: its art style and skill-based gameplay.

Floops Big House Adventure is available via Google Play and Steam.

Check out the official trailer for Floops Big House Adventure below:

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