Kungfu Online - US Alpha for Facebook
Koramgame just launched the US Alpha test for their game Kungfu Online, and as a sucker for pretty art, I gave it a whirl.
Koramgame just launched the US Alpha test for their game Kungfu Online, and as a sucker for pretty art, I gave it a whirl.
With nothing but your directional arrow keys you can enjoy this amazing storylike odyssey that involves flying a fat balding guy through an 8-bit universe full of amazing characters and interactions. Kind of like floating through the Beatles film Yellow Submarine while color blind. And fused with a Commodore Vic 20.
Want some heart-stopping indie game browser action? That’s right, you don’t need to buy anything, sign-up for anything, hold anything just run and jump like a crazed fugitive in a grayscale world.
For years people have been saying that it is impossible to make money on a free product, especially if you do not run ads. The online game Kingdom of Loathing, now in its sixth year, proves that this can indeed be an effective business model, and is fun and addictive besides. Read the review of this unlikely MMO.