
Review: Mount & Blade

Despite some bugs and weak quest lines, Mount & Blade is a bold new indie title from TaleWorlds, recommended for anyone looking for a solid new role-playing adventure with a refreshing new take at the combat action level. Read our review.


Orbiter - A Free Advanced Space Flight Simulator That Strives For Authenticity

“ORBITER” is a complex, full-fledged flight simulator that takes you beyond the skies and into outer space. Highly detailed and deep in its implementation of existing spaceship control, this amazing, free program allows you to launch the Space Shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to deploy a satellite, rendezvous with the International Space Station or take the futuristic Delta-glider for a tour through the solar system among other things.


World of Goo

This sounds ridiculous, but World of Goo combines a story line that is very affecting by any standard, graphics that leave players stunned and amazed and a level of game play rivaled by no other game currently on the market. It’s that good. For Windows, Mac, Linux or WiiWare

Braid by Jonathan Blow

Review: Braid

In a world of multi-million dollar budgets in video games, independent video games are gaining ground. And within that field holds some of the creative and inspiring games; one of which is Braid. Braid is a puzzle/platformer, but so much more.

Create Your Own RPG For XBOX Live Indie Games

I find there is a serious lack of RPG content on Xbox 360 Indie Game marketplace so I did a search and lo and behold there is a recently uploaded starter kit for an RPG! Learn how to create your own.


Review: Caster

For a mere five bucks you can partake of this beautiful 3D shooter with heart-pounding music and additional episodes when you need to go deeper into the world of Caster from indie developer Elecorn.

After Years of Development in Stealth Mode, OnLive Arrives

Onlive: Essentially you will be able to play any game anywhere, anytime over a broadband connection without any downloads. Similarly, you can play demos for any of these games to check ’em out before committing to the full game.